Park Place Dental
A Great Dentist
Root Canal Treatment
Repair and Restore Your Tooth

A root canal can help eliminate a tooth infection and relieve your pain. We make this procedure as comfortable as possible for our patients.

Older Barrie woman smiling after having a root canal
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Root Canal Barrie, ON

woman holding jaw while in pain from infected tooth in barrieAt Park Place Dental, our goal is to help you achieve and maintain optimum oral health. Sometimes that requires repairing or restoring a tooth.

If you find yourself in need of root canal therapy, you're likely experiencing pain. Unfortunately, due to horror stories and a lousy reputation built over the years, many people think that a root canal procedure is the cause of their pain. The truth is that a dental infection actually causes it, and a root canal can relieve your pain and eliminate the infection if you proactively seek treatment.

If you think you might have a tooth infection, it's essential to seek treatment as soon as possible because an untreated infection will worsen and could impact neighbouring teeth and other parts of your body.

If you're living with a tooth that's sensitive to temperature or causing a constant, severe toothache that doesn't go away, contact your Barrie dental team at (705) 728-9922, so we can arrange a time to see you.

Frequently Asked Questions

A root canal is needed when decay begins to spread past the enamel and dentin layer of the tooth and into the nerve of the tooth. Root canal therapy is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that has become infected and decayed.

Root Canal Process in Barrie 

Throughout the process of a root canal procedure, the nerve and pulp are removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned thoroughly and sealed to prevent bacteria from re-entering. Without treatment, the tissue surrounding the tooth will become infected and abscesses may form. 

No! Root canal treatments don’t cause pain – they relieve it.

Many people associate the pain of an infected tooth with the actual root canal procedure itself. However, if you’ve ever had a root canal, you know that the pain stops the moment we numb the affected tooth!

barrie Woman holding ice pack to jaw from infected tooth painComfortable Root Canal Therapy​​​

Of course, we understand that root canals don’t get much good press. This can lead to a great deal of anxiety about the procedure that really isn’t necessary. But it’s our job to ensure that you are comfortable because root canal treatment may be the only option we have to save the affected tooth.

Sedation Dentistry Options in Barrie

At Park Place Dental, we’re pleased to offer state-of-the-art sedation options for your complete comfort. Nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) will not put you to sleep, but it will definitely take the edge off your anxiety and allow you to relax throughout the procedure.

Oral sedatives are another option we provide. Dr. Joo will prescribe a medication for you to take before you arrive at our office so you are calm when you get here. Oral sedation and nitrous oxide are often combined to provide a stress-free procedure. If you simply want to go to sleep for your procedure, you'll be pleased to know that Dr. Joo is qualified to administer IV sedation right here in our Barrie, ON dental office. 

If you prefer to go to sleep, you’ll be pleased to know that Dr. Joo is certified to safely administer IV sedation. 

Call Our Innisfil Area Dental Clinic

We hope that with preventative treatments and regular visits, you don’t ever need a root canal. But if you do, give us a call. We would love the chance to show you just how stress-free a root canal can be! 

At Park Place Dental, we always aim for a comfortable root canal experience for our patients. Our Barrie dentists offer the latest in anesthesia and use rotary endodontics, which is designed to provide a more comfortable—and often faster—root canal therapy.

If you have a deep root and pulp infection in your tooth, a root canal saves that tooth and eliminates the need for an extraction.

Signs that you may need root canal therapy in Barrie include:

  • Painful tooth
  • Sensitive tooth
  • Bump on the gum

barrie Woman smiling in kitchen Root Canal Treatment

Your Barrie, ON dentist numbs the area and waits until you give the sign that you can’t feel a thing. Then the infected root and pulp are cleared away using state-of-the-art rotary endodontics. This tooth is then treated with an antibacterial agent and temporarily closed to promote healing.

At your next visit, your Barrie, ON dentist may recommend a crown to permanently restore your tooth if the infection weakened the tooth’s structure.

Good oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings and exams may lower your risk for root and pulp infections.

Contact Our Barrie, ON Office

If you need root canal therapy in Barrie, ON, we offer easy treatment to help you enjoy a more comfortable experience in our dental office. We invite you to get in touch with our team.

When Our Barrie Dentists Recommend Root Canal Treatment

A dental infection can occur when decay reaches the pulp or nerve of your tooth. This happens if tooth decay is left undiagnosed or untreated. The bacteria progresses further into the tooth until it reaches the nerve, where it causes an infection.

A tooth infection can cause severe pain, and it may spread to other critical areas of the body or affect other teeth if we don't treat it right away. It can even result in tooth loss in severe cases.

Root canal therapy is designed to preserve your natural tooth structure by removing infected tissues from within your tooth when it has been traumatized, injured, or decayed beyond the capabilities of what a dental filling or crown can repair.

Signs of a Tooth Infection

A tooth infection tends to be very painful, causing pain that makes it hard to focus and distracts you from your daily activities.

Sensitivity to hot or cold food or beverages may be one of the first signs of a tooth infection. In fact, having your dentist examine your tooth as soon as you begin feeling temperature sensitivity could help you avoid a tooth infection because they can diagnose tooth decay and treat it early on with a dental filling or crown.

Some other signs your tooth may be infected are:

  • Pain or tenderness when biting or chewing
  • Facial swelling
  • A persistent, constant toothache that doesn't go away with over-the-counter medication
  • A white "pimple" or bump on the gum tissue around the infected tooth
  • A foul taste and odour in your mouth

If you detect any of these signs or symptoms, don't wait to contact your dentist in Barrie, ON, right away. The quicker we can diagnose a tooth infection, the faster we can treat it and get you back to feeling comfortable again.

What Causes of Tooth Infection?

Dental infections are typically the result of plaque or bacteria that produce the acids that eat through your tooth enamel to cause damage to your tooth. When you don't brush and floss properly and remove plaque and bacteria daily, they can build up and begin to erode your tooth enamel. The layer of your tooth below your enamel is a softer layer called dentin. If the decay progresses through your dentin layer, it will reach the inner layer of your tooth called the pulp, where the nerve resides. At this point, a tooth infection can occur.

Meet Our Doctor:

Barrie ON Dentist Dr. Jae Lee

Dr. Jae Lee D.D.S.

Bio Coming soon

What Happens During Root Canal Treatment?

root canal diagramIf you've heard that root canals are painful, you may be wondering what to expect during the procedure. First, you should know that our primary goal at Park Place Dental is to make your root canal procedure as comfortable as possible.

Our dentists start by thoroughly numbing the area around the compromised tooth during root canal treatment, so you don't feel anything during your procedure. The dental anesthetics also immediately alleviate the pain caused by your infection.

Next, they carefully clean out the diseased tissue from within your tooth using the latest advances in endodontic (root canal) tools. Electric hand tools made of nickel-titanium are flexible and make it easier to reach the innermost canals of your tooth comfortably. When your tooth is clean and free of infection, they seal it temporarily with filling material and give it time to heal completely.

Once your tooth is fully healed, they will strengthen it with a permanent filling or tooth crown. Root canal treatment preserves your natural tooth structure but makes it brittle. A crown protects your tooth and restores your ability to eat, bite, and chew efficiently. When we rebuild your treated tooth with a crown, you will enjoy all the functions you had before your tooth infection.

Root Canal Treatment Technology

Rotary Endodontics

If you’ve ever had a root canal, you probably didn’t think too much about the tools your dentist used. The traditional method is to use stainless steel manual files. However, at Park Place Dental, we use rotary endodontic technology that makes your treatment more comfortable.

Rotary endodontics are electrically powered instruments equipped with a nickel-titanium tip, which is up to five times more flexible than traditional stainless steel tools. This flexibility combined with the unique movement of the rotary instrument makes for a more efficient and reliable procedure.

Keeping Root Canal Therapy Comfortable in Barrie

Dr. Joo and Dr. Moore approach every treatment procedure with your comfort in mind, and root canals are no exception. At our Innisfil area dental office, we use the best anesthetics to ensure that you don't feel anything during your procedure.

We've also invested in rotary endodontic technology, which uses electric hand tools made from nickel-titanium rather than standard stainless steel hand tools. Titanium is more flexible, which is more comfortable for our patients. Electric hand tools also make the procedure more efficient, so you'll spend less time in the chair.

Patients who experience fear or anxiety around their dental appointments can have dental sedation during their root canal treatment. At Park Place Dental, our dentists are equipped with the skills and training to administer different levels of dental sedation.

  • Nitrous oxide - Also called laughing gas, this is the mildest sedation we offer that helps "take the edge off" during your procedure without causing lingering side effects.
  • IV sedation -  Dr. Joo is qualified to deliver medication intravenously while monitoring your vital signs throughout your procedure. This is the highest level of sedation we offer. Most patients describe it as feeling like they're sleeping throughout the procedure.

How You Can Prevent a Root Canal

toothbrush and floss Did you know that you can avoid a tooth infection by being proactive about your preventative appointments? For example, if your dentist detects decay in your tooth during a routine examination, it can often be treated with a simple dental filling if you get the treatment done promptly.

When the decay is left untreated or undiagnosed, it progresses further into your tooth and root. Don't let this happen to you! Instead, visit Park Place Dental every six months for cleaning and checkups to catch potential problems as early as possible and avoid invasive and costly treatment procedures.

Featured Blog Posts - Root Canal Treatment

December 19, 2024

Easier Root Canal Therapy in Barrie, ON

Root canal treatment illustraion

If you need root canal therapy in Barrie, ON, our dentists provide a more comfortable and gentle root canal experience.

A root canal is designed to eliminate a tooth infection, preserve your natural tooth structure, and restore your tooth to better health.

Understanding Root Canal Treatment in Barrie, ON

The first step is diagnosing a tooth infection. The symptoms you may notice include:

  • Severe or constant toothache 
  • Tooth discoloration or darkening
  • Jaw or facial swelling
  • White pimple or blister on the gums
  • Tenderness pain when biting or chewing

Root canal treatment starts with thoroughly numbing the area. Then, your ...

May 15, 2023

When You Need a Root Canal: The Stages of Treatment

barrie woman in pain from infected tooth holding jaw

When our dentists recommend root canal therapy, you're likely experiencing pain due to a tooth infection. However, there are some early signs to be aware of that may indicate decay in your tooth, which can lead to an infection.

Here's what you should know about root canal treatment in Barrie.

Stage 1: Early Signs and Symptoms

Decay in your tooth can result in an infection that can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. However, if you're proactive about treating tooth decay early on, you can often avoid painful conditions like a ...

Contact Park Place Dental if You Are in Pain

If you are experiencing pain or a toothache, contact your Barrie dentists at Park Place Dental right away by calling (705) 728-9922. Remember, waiting to call or putting off treatment will only result in further pain and damage to your tooth. We'll make every effort to see you as soon as possible, and we'll have you back on the path to wellness in no time.

Are You Experiencing Tooth Pain or Discomfort?
Don't Wait to Call
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